In an era characterised by new modes of working, managing people in today’s changing world presents challenges to organisations both big and small.

While some level of resistance to change is natural, it is critical that staff are supported in developing and acquiring the skillsets and experience required to thrive in this new digital landscape.

Here at Grant Thornton, the specialists on our People & Change Consulting team engage with clients on many of these issues, providing expert advice on how to best attract, engage, retain, develop, deploy and lead their people.

Our expert team of consultants is made up of partners, directors and managers, all hailing from a broad spectrum of relevant sectors including accountancy, occupational psychology, international business, HR, and operations.

Our services

Driven either by competitive external forces or change coming from within the organisation’s own structures, many of our clients are seeking to fundamentally transform in order to adapt to new workplace cultures.  In these situations, leadership teams may not possess the skillsets and experience necessary to effectively address these new challenges.

Our team of experts can assist them to develop the skills required and to adapt a better strategic fit with the new culture. It is critical that people are supported at every step, helping them change along with the processes and the structures within the organisation..

At an operational level, our team helps clients to navigate the potential pitfalls associated with distributed work, handling all the associated HR implications of changing tax jurisdictions and any additional issues with contracts and taxation.

One of the key challenges facing senior managers in financial institutions is that they now bear a legal responsibility for any decisions made under their supervision. This poses an enormous skills challenge for the organisations and executives affected, however, our experts can support you in developing the right set of management skills to succeed.

As remote and hybrid working modes become more common, Grant Thornton has a depth of experience in supporting this change, ensuring your employees have the correct procedures, policies and principles in place to allow for successful transformation to a hybrid model while maintaining compliance in any jurisdiction.

Why Grant Thornton?

Our team helps our clients adapt to the dynamic nature of the workforce. As a new generation of digital natives emerges, employees’ expectations of how, when and where they work is changing. Career focussed workers today desire opportunities to learn, develop and grow and increasingly are seeking organisations that are purpose driven.  Grant Thornton engages with clients to effectively build and implement the learning, development and career progression frameworks necessary to attract and retain first-rate talent in today’s dynamic workplace.

Get in touch
Partner - Head of Advisory Services
Andrew Howie
Andrew Howie
Partner - Head of Advisory Services
Andrew Howie